Have a talk with Second Base. Scritto is an interface between Second Base and the website, and opens new ways to publish for a developer.

Scritto Script is a scripting language, a library that completely or partially replaces php and database connections. Through simple tags, a developer can publish content from Second Base in record time, for example, by printing texts and links or lists.

The target audience is primarily frontend developers who lacks knowledge about php and databases, but Scritto Script can also save time for a backend developer, as Scritto Script contains smart shortcuts for most of the needs a website may have.

Visit our library to know more about Scritto Script and all its features. Please note that the library is only available in Swedish, at this point.

The Scritto API is an interface for receive any Second Base content via customized API requests. Thanks to the Scritto API, Second Base is completely independent of platforms, and can therefore be used to manage apps as well as websites.

The Scritto API is under development, but please contact us or one of our resellers for more information and requests.